
ISKUZHENOV SERIK KENZHIBULATOVICH – head of the RCC LLP «Рудненский Водоканал», a graduate of 1999.
The Rudny Industrial Institute has formed professional competencies, which subsequently allowed us to make tactical and strategic decisions. I always support our institute in its endeavors, do not lose touch with the Department of Economics and Management, participating in the work of state certification commissions, department meetings, various master classes.

ITEMGENOV NURLAN GAYSANOVICH – Deputy Director of the State Institution «Центр судебной экспертизы» of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2004 graduate.
Obviously, the student fraternity attracts to alma mater, old friends: some with memories and warmth of upcoming meetings, others with business or scientific interests, others with the need to solve personal problems. And we are trying to unite former students. The Institute opened the Alumni Club NGO, and a Supervisory Board has been created. Meetings are not only pleasant memories, but also a real opportunity to help your native university, which in many respects predetermined subsequent success and achievement of high results.

RAU ALEKSEY ALBERTOVICH – Director of Astana School of Management and Business (ASMB), 2012 edition.
The Rudny Industrial Institute is a university with its own history, which my father also graduated from. The university, which gave fundamental knowledge in the specialty “Economics”, allowed me to successfully complete a master’s program in Switzerland, to organize a management and business school in Astana. The education received in the native walls of the RII is multifaceted, aimed at the formation of a highly qualified specialist who knows how to work in a team to achieve the goal.

ZAMANOV RENAT – engineer of the analytical department of the Management of JSC SSGPO, 2011 graduate.
The years spent within the walls of the Rudny Industrial Institute have become for me the basis of my knowledge. Studying at RII allowed me to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to achieve career growth and to feel confident and free in any business situation. I am grateful to all the teachers for the knowledge capital presented – the capital that is of key importance today. Your work is invaluable. Thanks you!!!

NAURUZOVA AINASH – graduate student at the Higher School of Economics (National Research University Higher School of Economics), specialty State and Municipal Administration, 2015 graduation.
In the course of my studies at the Rudny Industrial Institute, I obtained an extensive and diverse knowledge base on economics at the macro and micro levels, both in theoretical and practical aspects. This knowledge is necessary and useful for any specialist to develop their professional activities, conduct research, including in new areas of knowledge and areas of activity not directly related to the economy.

MATSUK LUDMILA – Credit Expert, ForteBank JSC, 2007 edition.
When choosing a specialty, I was primarily guided by my interests and hobbies that really attracted me. In addition, a kind of tradition has developed in our family – my brothers also studied in the walls of this university. I express my deep gratitude to my department for the opportunity to get versatile knowledge – in the field of economics, business, finance, accounting. The universality of education allows graduates to realize themselves in a fairly wide range of professional environments.

Specialist of the Management of JSC SSGPO, graduation 2011
The most important thing, in my opinion, whether it is education or sports, is to clearly understand where and why you are going, what goals you set for yourself, and then you will feel confident.
The Rudny Industrial Institute, at the Faculty of Economics and Construction, created comfortable conditions for learning: this is an interesting, professionally filled training program in the specialty “Management”, and highly qualified teachers focused on teaching students from the practical point of view of applying the acquired knowledge.
Well, of course, personal motivation is important in everything: to clearly understand the existing potential and ways for further growth and work in the chosen direction!

Engineer of the department of labor and personnel of FPO JSC SSGPO
It so happened that I studied at the Rudny Industrial Institute in two specialties, received a technical education and a second higher education in business and economics.
I want to express my deep gratitude to all our teachers in the disciplines of the specialty “Management” for the knowledge and skills that they gave us over the years of study.
Because the teaching staff taught us to think and put into practice, it would seem, purely theoretical ideas. For the fact that we not only know, but are able to use this knowledge!>For applicants, there is only one advice: decide on your specialty first of all, and then do not expect that you will be taught everything. Search for yourself, improve in your chosen field, go to work and gain experience, otherwise you will just have a diploma and a small bunch of residual knowledge!
The modern market loves creative, mobile, interested and interested!

Chief economist of GKKP “Rakhat”
Education gives a start; without it, one cannot become a highly qualified specialist. It’s like an entrance ticket – then everything depends on you …
The enormous amount of knowledge that I received during my studies at the Rudny Industrial Institute with a degree in Management is an irreplaceable value.
But do not forget that you can not teach – you can only learn. Without the flexibility of thinking, the so-called “inquisitiveness of the mind”, leadership inclinations and the desire to break out of the gray mass, even the best business education is meaningless.
I advise everyone to never give up, go only forward and good luck in all your endeavors !.

Credit Specialist of “CaspiBank” JSC
“I always considered students a golden time. Moreover, I continue to think so now. This is because there is a great opportunity to learn a lot of new things, to meet new interesting people with whom you will continue to walk through life, and try a lot of new things to determine what you want from life.
Studying in the specialty “Management” at the Rudny Industrial Institute contributed to my personal growth, and getting a bachelor’s degree in management became an incentive for career growth.
I want to give advice to freshmen: be sure to believe in yourself and everything in life will turn out wonderful! ”

Entrepreneur FE “HappyDonuts”
I want to say that everyone has their own way in life. The main thing is to understand early on what is interesting, what you get pleasure from, what business you like. Over the years, while studying at the RII, I became more confident in myself, in my future and firmly standing on my feet. Probably, the main thing that I have learned over these four years is to adequately and rationally look at things, understand the economic reality in which we live and the value of every word in business.
Whoever you become in the future, management is a serious support in your self-identification in life and in building your professional career. Therefore, go for it and you will succeed!