“Batyr” Sports Club

“Batyr” Sports Club



In 1964 was founded the department of “Physical education” of Rudny industrial institute. Since the inception of the department until 1978, it was headed by the senior lecturer Nikolai Vasilyevich Ubei-Volk. With his participation was opened, the student sports club “Burevestnik”, a tourist club, a health and sports camp in Kamensk-Uralsk of the Borovsky district, were created sports sections for 15 sports.

From 1978 to 1994 the department was headed by Lyudmila Valentinovna Ivanova senior lecturer, graduate of the Kazakh state Institute of physical culture. She worked at RII from 1969 to 2009.

From 1994 to 2005 the department was headed by Vasily Ivanovich Gagarin. The period of his work was marked by victories of the teachers team of skiers. In 1994, he organized a section on Futsal, which at the moment is a multiple winner of the Championships of Kazakhstan, and is also a silver medalist of the Universiade among students. Under his leadership, the team of students at the regional festivals “Student spring” won numerous victories. A cross-country skier, a participant of international competitions in cross-country skiing among veterans, a two-time medalist in the relay of the world championship among veterans, who traveled almost the whole world, actively engaged and promoting a healthy lifestyle until the last days of his life.

In 2005, the sports hall is memorated with a plaque in his name.

From 2006 to 2009, the department was headed by Stanislav Alexandrovich Zhukov -senior lecturer, volleyball coach among boys and girls.

From 2009 to 2012 the head of the department worked Danil Viktorovich Yaroshenko. In 2011 he defended his PhD thesis on the topic: “Optimization of sports readiness of qualified karate by means of Eastern health technologies”, specialty code 13.00.04 – “Theory and methodology of physical education, sports training, health and adaptive physical culture”.

During the period of existence of the department of “Physical education” worked: senior lecturer Koryagina M. N.; senior lecturer Vorobieva T. G.; senior lecturer, football coach Slastnikov E. D.; senior lecturer, basketball coach Shemetova L. F.; teacher, basketball coach Larchenkov V. V.; chairman of the sports club Ivanov S. A.; senior laboratory assistant Kolesnikova L.G.

Since September 2012, the department was reorganized and became known as the section of physical education at the department of social and humanitarian disciplines.

In September 2013, the sports club “Batyr”was founded. Teachers of the sports club are Nazarbekov D. R.  and Turymbetova T. A., working in RII since 2016.

There are three sports sections: basketball (men), mini-football (men), volleyball (men, women), gym.


Sports club “Batyr” conducts at a high quality level of physical education classes, using interactive teaching methods, professional and applied exercises to prepare future professionals with good physical fitness.

In RII there are two sports halls, a gym, a ski base, a stadium.

For improvement of sports skill in institute  work sections on volleyball, basketball, mini-football, karate.

Annual sports contest “Zhastar” among the first courses, sports day, at the Rector’s Cup among the students of RII, faculty and staff of the Institute, the faculties of sports in mini-football, basketball, and volleyball and mini- sports contest of the faculties “Namys” in chess, togyz-kumalak, table tennis and weight lifting.

Students and teachers of the Institute annually take part in the sports contest of education and science, in the regional festival “Student Spring”.

Teachers of the sports club using active teaching methods try to arouse interest in students ‘ studies, responsible attitude to it. On topics about healthy lifestyles, students receive tasks, make presentations and perform at conferences.

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гр. ЭЭ-16ко, ФЭиИС

КМС таэквондо.

Призёр первенства РК  среди юниоров 2014, призёр областных и городских соревнований.

IMG_9984 Бектанов БагдаулетБектанов Бағдаулет

гр. ТТ-15ко, ГМФ

КМС по волейболу. Призёр городских и областных соревнований.

IMG_0005 Калиев ИльясКалиев Ильяс

гр. Мет-16, ГМФ

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IMG_9990 Исаев АрманИсаев Арман

гр. ЭЭ-16ко


1 разряд  по боксу. Призёр областных и городских соревнований

IMG_0026 Аян ЖаксыбаевЖақсыбаев Аян

гр. ТЭ-17, ФЭиИС

1 разряд по «қазақша күрес». Победитель городских и областных соревнований.

IMG_9987 Туралы ОрынбасарТұралы Орынбасар

гр. ТЭ-17, ФЭиИС

1 разряд по баскетболу. Победитель областных и городских соревнований.


IMG_0009 Кудяров ЕламанКудяров Еламан

гр. Мет-17ко, ГМФ

1 разряд по баскетболу. Призёр областных и городских соревнований.

Суржко Сергей

гр. МЕТ-14, ГМФ

КМС по бодибилдингу. Чемпион РК.

Неоднократный победитель и призер городских, областных и республиканских соревнований.

IMG_9977 Орымбаев ДакетОрымбаев Дакен

гр.СТ-17, ФЭиС

КМС по таэквондо. Призёр чемпионата РК  среди юниоров 2015г., призёр международных турниров  г. Караганда 2013, 2014г., многократный призёр первенства Костанайской области.

IMG_9981 Курсамбеков амангельдыКұрсамбеков Амангельды

гр. ЭЭ-16ко, ФЭиИС

1 разряд по дзюдо. Призёр городских и областных соревнований.

Абдыгали ДаурынбекАбдіғали Дәуренбек

гр. ЭЭ-17, ФЭиИС

КМС по дзюдо.

Победитель республиканских, областных и городских соревнований по «қазақша күрес», самбо.

IMG_0001 Утемуратов НуржанУтемуратов Нуржан

гр. ЭЭ-16,  ФЭиИС

КМС по таэквондо. Призёр чемпионата РК среди юниоров 2014г.

IMG_0334 Толебаев нурлыханТөлебаев Нурлыхан

гр. Мет-14, ГМФ

Чемпион г. Рудного по кикбоксингу 2015, призёр ММА по Костанайской области и РК

Мурсалов РахынбекМурсалов Рахымбек

гр. ЭЭ-17со, ФЭиИС

КМС по армейскому рукопашному бою, призёр городских и областных соревнований по кикбоксингу. Чемпион по Костанайской области по УШУ-САНДА.

Чернышов ВладиславЧернышев Владислав

гр. ГД-17, ГМФ

Призер городских соревнований по бодибилдингу.


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